Today’s political, economic, social, and technological landscape is ever more characterized by change – be it disruptive or evolutionary, be it at the macro or meso level – making agile behavior for value creation paramount.
‘Agility’, in very simple words, stands for being able to act nimbly and with speed when overall conditions command to do so. It comes with many facets, encompassing, for example, agile governance, structure and strategy, functional agility (e.g. supply chain or product/service development), individual, team or leadership agility, as well as agile process design.
The lab will further the understanding of the context which triggers, drives (and impedes) change (e.g. Covid 19; institutional voids; technology; industry trends) to better define the ensuing organizations’ strategies, structures, processes and outcomes involved with thinking and acting ‘agile’.
This includes also interlinkages between the organizations and their ‘actionable’ external surroundings (e.g. healthcare ecosystems; industry and districts; partners and customers) that may assist in making ‘the system’ agile.